Download & Install

Download & Install Intro

We call this "Download & Install" because that is what people expect with stand alone software.

In fact, the process revolves around copying a cloud based spreadsheet template from the source cloud drive to your own Google Drive and then creating folders and various copies of that file for backup and use.

This is only a 5-10 minute process for someone with experience...
These instructions below with all the copies may seem a bit confusing or overwhelming initially for non technology people. The entire process can be completed in 5 to 10 minutes by someone who knows what they are doing. This process was designed to be educational as well as functional. You can short cut it if you'd like.

A Single File Copy Can work Fine but...
You can download the File Template and the External Library, connect them, Authorize the connection, empty the demo data, configure the template for your use and be on your way. You do NOT "need" to make all these copies as specified below.

These instructions provide a "proper" way to do this when planning for all possible uses and when including a good plan for supporting yourself in the event you accidentally mess up some part of the code in your file. These files are fairly mature. Should you mess them up, you can likely look at the current copy from our site and figure out what you did. You can also always restore from an automated back up that may be at most an hour or two old from a work content perspective. This suggested download and install process is just good practice for most for thinking in a more organized fashion and it actually gets you to do some things a few times which helps with learning.

File Copy Introduction
The copies of the file template that will be created on your drive will be referred to as 1) _Original 2) _DemoData 3) _Blank and 4) _WorkingCopy

  1. The "_Original" copy will be connected to the external script library, authorized and then never used again. It is to be store for reference in case you accidentally do something to your file that can not be corrected with undo. (you can always restore an older copy, so there are other ways to recover too).

  2. The "_DemoData" copy will start out identical to the Original. It is for your use for practice and trying things out. If you mess it up while playing with it you'll have the original to refer back to.

  3. The "_Blank" copy copy will start out identical to the _Original too. Then you will remove all the Demo Data from it and thus it will be "blank" from user data (hence the name). It's good to keep a blank copy of the file around. You an use it to make more copies for other businesses or personal finances without needing to clear another template again. you can also use a copy of it to play with the Transaction Generator.

  4. The "_Working" copy is made by copying the _Blank copy. That copy is then ready to be loaded with your own account data and transactions.

Download & Install Documentation and Instructions (200.0 - 260.0)

For those with experience doing this, this outline may be all that is needed to complete the process. Others may open one or several overview documents so as not to have to think too hard. The Detailed Documents are only needed by those who are learning how to do this for the first time or those who have trouble with something. These documents can be viewed directly in gDrive if desired.

200.0 ) Overview Document gDoc(4) | LC(1)

210 .0 ) Requirements for Use gDoc(1)

220.0 ) Create FOUR Folders for File Storage gDoc(1)
220.1 ) Create FOUR folders for File Storage - DETAILED gDoc(16)

230.0 ) Create a Functional Copy (Copy Files, Connect them and Authorize) gDoc(10)
230.1 ) Copy files from website, relocate folders, and rename gDoc(10)
230.2 ) Connect Bookkeeping File to DIY1 Script File Library gDoc(11)
230.3 ) Confirm a Functional Copy by Authorizing DIY1 Script Library Connection gDoc(11)

240.0 ) Create File Copies & Authorize ( _DemoData & _Blank from _Original. DIY1_Backup from DIY1) gDoc(11)

250.0 ) Clear the Demo Data gDoc(1)
250.1 ) Clear the Demo Data - DETAILED gDoc(13)

260.0 ) Create File Copy, Authorize and Relocate it (_Working from _Blank.) gDoc(1)


FAQs and Documented Issues

The Documents above will be updated as clarification is needed. FAQs will be added here as well as notes about problems and issues that need to be noted outside of the instructional documents.